Welcome Note!

Welcome Note!

by Paul Kariuki -
Number of replies: 0

Greetings from the Open, Distance and E-Learning (ODEL) Team,

Welcome to the Second Semester 2023/2024 Academic Year.


1. Register for Semester 2, 2023/2024 Academic Year courses on the LMS as follows;

a)    Y2, Y3, Y4 and Postgraduate students beginning 8th January 2024

b)    Y1 students beginning 29th January 2024

2. Attend ALL online/virtual classes as scheduled on the Learning Management System (LMS);

3. Attend ALL face to face classes and practical sessions as scheduled (where applicable);

4. Access ALL learning resources (lecture notes, videos, audio, among others) uploaded on the LMS;

5. Attend to ALL online CATs and Assignments uploaded on the LMS as scheduled;

6.Observe the online behaviour while in class (See attached file for your reference);

7. Access the LMS for announcements from time to time (at least twice a day);

8. Take note that the mode of teaching and learning is blended;

9. Consult the ODEL team physically or electronically via (odel@karu.ac.ke) in case of any challenges related to the LMS.  


1. Upload teaching and learning resources on the LMS. The Semester commencement dates are as follows;

a)    8th January, 2024 for Y2, Y3, Y4 and Postgraduate students, and

b)    29th January 2024 for Y1 students.

2. Make ALL announcements on the LMS per course as appropriate;

3. Follow the Blended teaching methodology as guided;

4. Consult the ODEL Directorate physically or electronically via(odel@karu.ac.ke) in case of any challenges related to the LMS. 

5. For classes below 100 students, please use Google Meet, otherwise, consult respective HoD on access to the Zoom license for classes above 100. 

All the best!

Odel Team

(Edited by Julia Kimani - original submission Saturday, 7 October 2023, 6:25 PM)

(Edited by Julia Kimani - original submission Saturday, 7 October 2023, 6:25 PM)